Linda Shoults

Linda Shoults has always been inspired by her natural surroundings and by an encouraging family. Her earliest artistic influence came from her father, Maurice L. Shoults, a commercial artist. Throughout her childhood many Saturday mornings were spent drawing and painting with her father's unfailing encouragement. Linda's initial exposure to oil painting was at age eleven when she took painting lessons from Indiana artist Barbara Daum. Linda continued to explore classical techniques under various instructors including Indiana artist Kerry Holsapple and Texas colorist Charlotte Spencer. Her favorite subject's continue to be representational landscapes and horses, with an occasional still life.
Linda is a graduate of Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana with a BS in Special Education and a MA in Special Education/Orthopedic and Special Health Problems. During college, Linda used elective hours in Art classes to broaden her exposure to a variety of painting techniques and disciplines. Her career included four years as a teacher, 19 years as a hospital administrator and she retired as Director of Operations for two environmental services companies specializing in land management of military training grounds. Linda's painting style has developed from personal exploration and noteworthy workshops with artists Kim Casebeer, Louis Copt, Howard Friedland, Hugh Greer, William Scott Jennings, Cally Krallman, Linda Glover Gooch, Judith Mackey and Phil Starke.
In 2008 Linda was diagnosed with a rare form of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and after her final chemo in 2009 was in remission for 7 years. Her cancer returned in January of 2016 with a corrected diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma. This illness has been a challenge, but has not slowed down the creative juices.
Linda began in 2006 to volunteer her time to provide art programs for both children and adults. Since 2008 she has been organizing opportunities such as professional artists workshops, summer art camps for children, and regional art shows to promote area artists. Linda is currently President of the Harrison County Arts! Inc. board where she can continue artist promotion and art programs for the community.
In 2012 Linda moved "Prairie Godmother Studio" from her home to a storefront and began giving lessons and facilitating an occasional workshop. She retired from her career in the fall of 2014 to paint full time. In August of 2015 she and her partner Jim moved back to their home state of Indiana to the farm he where he grew up near Corydon. Jim built her a gorgeous studio adjacent to their home on the farm. She gives painting lessons and has gallery space at the studio and shows her oil paintings in both regional and national shows.
The paintings of Linda Shoults can be found in private and corporate collections throughout the United States. She is represented by galleries in Kansas and Indiana.
Affiliations include:
Hoosier Salon, Indianapolis, http://hoosiersalon.org/
American Plains Artists, http://www.americanplainsartists.com/
American Women Artists, http://www.americanwomenartists.org/
Oil Painters of America, http://www.oilpaintersofamerica.com/
Harrison County Arts! Inc. Facebook: artisancentercorydon
Madison Art Club www.madisonartclub.com/
National Oil & Acrylic Painters Society https://www.noaps.org/